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Our Secret of Osteopromoting Factor

Ti-oss® x 5000 Magnified SEM
Ti-oss® x 50000 Magnified SEM
X 5000 Times bone surface (2).png
X 5000 Times bone surface (3).png

Pre-HA structure, Octacalcium Phosphate (OCP) Crystals that exhibit excellent bone regenerative properties are found on the surface of Ti-oss®.

The osteopromoting factor of the bone graft materials is one of the foremost points that you must consider when choosing the right product. it is an advanced technology that only a few companies in the world are able to produce. Ti-oss® features unique fish fin-like structures on its surface, which contribute to its osteopromoting properties.



The porosity of the bone graft substitute is one of the most crucial factors for angiogenic progress.

Rough Surface 


Our 15 years of R&D and sophisticated MID temperature manufacturing expertise enable Tioss® to exhibit an optimal, natural surface topography, the same as human bone.

Osteopromoting Factor


Pre-HA structure, Octacalcium
Phosphate (OCP) crystals that exhibit excellent bone regenerative properties are found on the surface of Ti-oss®.

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196, Donggureung-ro, Guri si, Gyeonggido, Korea (11909)​

Tel: +82-31-568-1809  Fax: +82-31-553-3612


Copywrite by Chiyewon Co., Ltd. 2024. All rights reserved

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